Hilarious Video Brings Together Cats Who Love Taking Baths

Hilarious Video Brings Together Cats Who Love Taking Baths
Hilarious Video Brings Together Cats Who Love Taking Baths (Reprodução / YouTube)

Despite the popular belief that cats hate water, some felines defy these ‘rules’ and actually enjoy getting wet. That’s the case with these kitties!

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In a super cute and funny video, several cats are shown taking baths, and unlike many other recordings spread across the internet, they don’t offer any resistance or fear. On the contrary, the kittens appear relaxed, enjoying their bath time.

Many people were impressed by the cats’ calmness, praising the humans giving them baths. Others also joked about the situation, implying that the cats were ‘defective.’

They’re so calm,” pointed out one viewer. “They know these humans are loving!,” remarked another. “These are dogs disguised as cats,” quipped a third person.

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